
Acorns Reception

Mrs Jones

Class teacher - EYFS Lead

Miss Treen


Welcome to the Acorns class page - comprising our YR class.  Here you will find out about your child's learning and any key information that you need to be aware of.
Mrs Jones is the class teacher.
Mrs Adams is the teaching assistant.
Our PE days are Monday and Thursday, however we do ask that PE kits are in school every day to allow for flexibility.
It is important that children have named coats all year round and sun cream and sun hats for the summer term to allow us to explore the outdoors in all weathers. Please provide a pair of welly boots to be kept in school along with a spare change of school clothes in their PE bag in case of messy or wet play.
The Early Years Foundation Stage
This year is the most important year for the children in igniting a passion for learning, creativity, resilience and the base knowledge to succeed in their education and beyond. We focus heavily on developing the whole child, and we seek to progress the children in all 7 areas of the curriculum. We do this through a play-based curriculum. This is delivered through child-initiated learning through play (independent), adult-led play, adult carpet inputs and focus groups. During the children's play, the staff seek to move the learning on in the moment. This means that the adults will identify an opportunity to extend, support or assess the learning whilst the children are heavily engaged in play that interests them. As well as this, the children are taught how to independently use the resources in the classroom, to ensure that there are fulfilling learning opportunities, even if the adults are not directly working with them. The children receive various short whole-class and group inputs during the day. These include Phonics, English and Maths. We carry out targeted interventions with the children throughout the day too. These include social and communication interventions and a communication programme called 'Wellcomm'. In addition the children receive additional support with speech and language therapy provided by SALT, phonics intervention, maths intervention and gross and fine motor skills. 

Probus Primary School
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