
Birch Class Year 4

Mrs Bowen


Welcome to Birch Class (Year 4) - "Strong roots feed a lifetime of learning!"
We begin our learning at 8.45 each morning and you can enter through the key stage one playground. 
You will need your reading book, reading record and water bottle each day.
PE kits should be brought in on Monday and remain in school all week.
Our PE days are Monday and Friday.
Please, make sure all clothing is labelled.
We have many exciting lessons to share and below is the rolling programme for you to explore. Our homework will be set on Friday and expected to be returned on Thursday.
Alongside this, we would like the children to read five times a week - talking through and looking up words from their spellings can count as 1 read. Also, if they discuss their reading comprehension with you and explore the vocabulary and content, this will also count as a read.
Please make a note of any WOW words  that you looked up in the notes section - there may be opportunities in the class where the children can teach their class a new word! And don't forget to include a definition so you don't forget!
On hot days, remember to being in  a hat and apply sun lotion before school.
In the winter months, always bring a warm coat because we will often be learning outside.
My favourite book when I was young was 'The Faraway Tree' books because I loved the names of all the characters and the adventures they would go on. It was always very tense when there was a problem and we didn't know whether the children would return or not!
My favourite subject was maths because I loved exploring numbers and patterns. I also enjoyed music and PE!
Ten things to know about me!
1. I have 2 children, Tom and Em, and you will probably hear a lot about them!
2. My dog, Charlie, is very cheeky!
3. When I was young, I wanted to go into the police because I liked the idea of being able to help people.
4. I'm not Cornish! (Sorry!)
5. I love playing sports. I used to play rugby, basketball and netball but am more likely to run, go to the gym or practice yoga now!
6. My favourite animals are ducks!
7. I play a lot of instruments from the piano to the oboe!
8. I have played in orchestras around Europe including at the Edinburgh Festival, St Mark's Square in Venice and the Opera house in Budapest!
9. My favourite place to visit is France because I love the outdoors and the relaxed way of living.
10. You'll often find me at a swimming pool as both of my children swim - a lot!

Probus Primary School
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