
Rowan Class Year 3

Mrs Woolley

Class teacher

Thursday and Friday

Mr Ferguson

Teaching Assistant

Mrs Allen

Teaching assistant

Welcome to Rowan Class (Year 3) - "Strong roots feed a lifetime of learning!"
We begin our learning at 8.45 each morning and you can enter through the key stage one playground. 
You will need your reading book, reading record and water bottle each day.
PE kits should be brought in on Monday and remain in school all week.
Our PE days are Wednesday and Thursday.
Please, make sure all personal items such as clothing and water bottles are labelled.
We have many exciting lessons to share and below is the rolling programme for you to explore. Our homework will be set on Friday and expected to be returned on Thursday.
Alongside this, we would like the children to read five times a week - talking through and looking up words from their spellings can count as 1 read. Also, if they discuss their reading comprehension with you and explore the vocabulary and content, this will also count as a read.
On hot days, remember to bring in a hat and apply sun lotion before school.
In the winter months, always bring a warm coat because we will often be learning outside.
My favourite books when I was young were from the 'Animal Ark' series because I loved the animals and I thought that I wanted to be a vet!
My favourite subject was English because I loved writing stories. I also enjoyed science and art!
Ten things to know about me! (Mrs Holmes)
1. I have 2 children called Fred and Stan.
2. We have two pet rabbits, Charlie and Gerald who are very cute!
3. My favourite place to go is the beach. I love being in and on the sea!
4. My favourite drink is tea.
5.My favourite animals are turtles.
6. I once flew a tiny two seater plane across Cornwall.
7. When I was young, I wanted to be a vet.
8. My first job after university was grape picking in France.
9. I love going caravanning with my family around Cornwall.
10. I was born in Manchester and we moved to Cornwall when I was 4.

Probus Primary School
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