

Mr Chris Dutton

Chair of PTA

As a parent of a child at Probus Primary School you automatically become a member of the Probus Parent and Teacher Association.  New committee members are 'volunteered' each year but we would love to welcome you to our informal meetings so that you can get to know us and perhaps get more actively involved in the life of the school and our community.  We are always looking for new ideas!

The PTA is a very active body that works hard to raise money for the school and provide opportunities for parents to get to know each other and share the challenges of being a parent.  Money raised during the year has been used to help provide those 'luxuries' not easily provided through the school budget.  We have supported the school with trips, events, equipment, displays, books, graduation gifts and much,  much more.

Every member of the Probus Primary School PTA is expected to adhere to the PTA Code of Conduct.

Please take a look at our Facebook page.



Probus Primary School
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