
Ethos, Aims & Values

"Strong roots to feed a lifetime of learning"
Our Vision
Together in partnership with community, home and school we strive to build the "strong roots" required for a love of learning and a firm basis for the journey of life ahead. These strong roots focus on three elements of positive behaviour- being prepared, being respectful and being safe. Alongside development of character, our vision is to offer a strong academic foundation and a broad curriculum, to engage all in the love of learning.
Our Aims
  • To deliver high quality creative teaching and learning experiences for our children which excite and engage the imagination and encourage a life long love of learning
  • To develop a safe learning environment, so every child develops self-assurance and ability to express themselves with confidence and understand safe behaviour
  • To promote respect - an awareness of both our core and British values and encourage children to respect the ideas, attitudes and feelings of others 
  • To develop pupils with a readiness to learn and the key skills to progress
  • To develop a sense of belonging in their school and the wider community and raise awareness about their responsibilities as global citizens and custodians of our world

Probus Primary School
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