
The School Day

A KS1 School Day
8.35-8.45am Children arrive via the Cullen View side gate or front gate & enter school at 8.45am
8.45am School starts
8.45am-10.40am First session
10.40am-11.00 am Break
11-12 noon Second session
12 noon-1pm Lunch
1-2.30pm Third session
2.30-2.40pm Break
2.40-3.15pm Fourth session

A KS2 School Day

8.35-8.45 Children arrive in school via the KS2 playground
8.45 The school bell goes
08.45-10.40am First session
10.40-11.00am Break 
11.00-12.00 Second session
12 noon-1pm Lunch
1pm-3.15pm Third session


Collective Worship

Collective Worship is daily requirement in all schools and assemblies take place at 10.20 each day, except on Thursday when celebration assembly is held at 2.45 and parents are invited to attend.
A gentle reminder to all parents:
You are encouraged to talk to your child’s teacher if you have any concerns whatsoever. If you feel that your concerns have not been addressed then, at that point, you might want to make an appointment to see Head of School Ms Praed.
It is not always possible for a teacher to talk to parents first thing in the morning as they are busy preparing the classroom for learning. Teachers are more able to talk briefly at the end of the school day. If you want a longer conversation then please make an appointment through the school office or email.

Probus Primary School
School website design by eSchools. Content provided by Probus Primary School. All rights reserved. 2025