
The Nursery Day

Probus Nursery is so much fun! It is bright, exciting and filled with so many wonderful toys and activities. We have a quiet book corner, a super role-play area and a creative space where the children are free to choose from lots of available resources to create wonderful pictures and paintings. 
We really enjoy playing outside come rain or shine where we have sandpits, water trays, trikes and bikes, and a fantastic summer house. We support the children to make sure they feel happy and provide them with fun, interesting and educational things to do. We also spot things that they love doing and will include that in our topics for all the other children to enjoy too!

Here are our session times:

  Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
Morning 0840am-1140pm 0840am-1140pm 0840am-1140pm 0840am-1140pm 0840am-1140pm
1140am-1210pm 1140am-1210pm 1140am-1210pm 1140am-1210pm 1140am-1210pm
Afternoon 1210pm-310pm 1210pm-310pm 1210pm-310pm 1210pm-310pm 1210pm-310pm


If your child is aged 3 years or over (i.e. already in receipt of 3 -4 years funding) and you need to drop them off earlier than 8:40am or pick them up later than 3:10pm, wraparound care is available.

Our days start and end via the Cullen View side gate - although if you're running late you will have to enter via the main school entrance and Mrs Senior will inform us you have arrived.

We have a snack mid-morning and we offer a selection of fruit with milk or water to drink (cooled water is also available throughout the day).  Our children share duties as 'snack helpers' and are responsible for cutting up the fruit and setting the table.  

All celebrations and adventures are meticulously recorded by our nursery staff and your child's assigned keyworker will share this information with you upon request.  

Probus Primary School
School website design by eSchools. Content provided by Probus Primary School. All rights reserved. 2025