
Willow Class Year 1

Mrs Mullen

Class Teacher

My favourite book when I was young was The BFG because I loved Sophie's adventure and the mischief she got up to with the BFG. My favourite subject was maths because I love to solve puzzles/ problems.

Ms Marshall

Class Teacher

My favourite childhood book was Vlad the Drac because I loved the fact that Vlad was a vegetarian vampire! My favourite subject at school was history because I liked the gory facts about the Ancient Egyptians and Romans.

Miss Gibbs

Teaching Assistant

My favourite book when I was young was Top Secret because the boy made things with his imagination and bought them to life! My favourite subject was Literacy because I found that I was always learning something when I was doing Literacy.

Welcome to Willow class. 
We begin our learning at 8.45 each morning and you can enter through the key stage one playground via the key stage one door. You will need your reading book, reading record and water bottle each day. PE kits should remain in school or be brought in every Tuesday and Wednesday. We have outdoor learning every Monday, so please ensure that your child has spare clothes, wellies and waterproofs (or they can use their school coat) each week. Please make sure you label everything!
We have many exciting lessons to share and below is the rolling programme for you to explore. Our spellings will be set every Monday, in your child's spelling book and is expected to be returned the following Monday. Alongside this, we need reading five times a week and lots of practice of the phonic GPCs (sounds). If you are unsure about this, then please speak to a member of the Year 1 team, as we will be happy to help you. In the link below is copy of the Little Wandle taught GPCs for Year 1 that all parents received as a handout in September. 
On hot days remember a hat and sun lotion applied before school. In the winter months always bring a warm coat because we will often be learning outside.
Ten things to know about me (Mrs Mullen)!
1. I have 2 children, Issy and Jaymes, and you will probably hear a lot about them!
2. I have 2 pet tortoises who are 15 years old.
3. When I was young, I wanted to be a teacher.
4. I love water sports; paddleboarding, kayaking and sailing.
5. I love going for long walks (with my dog and children) and exploring different parts of Cornwall.
6. My favourite animals are penguins.
7. I am currently learning Spanish.
8. I have been to Barcelona's football stadium and saw of their football players train.
9. My favourite place to visit is the beach.
10. I love playing board games.

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