

Science at Probus School

Science plays a key part of the curriculum through your child’s entire school career, and a love and appreciation of Science is created through finding the awe and wonder in our world.  We work hard to develop each child’s scientific knowledge and understanding so that all children see themselves as scientists.  Our children are first introduced to Science in the Foundation Stage where it mainly falls within the area called Understanding of the World. They will learn to explore, problem solve, observe, predict, think, make decisions and talk about the world around them.

Throughout their time with us, in Science our children explore a wide variety of themes and topics based on the national curriculum. Children are encouraged to ask questions about why things happen and how things work and “Talk for Science” is a whole school initiative using the PSEC resources. Your child will also be asked questions about what they think will happen to help them communicate, plan, investigate, record and evaluate findings.  They will acquire knowledge and skills, gaining an understanding of the uses and implications of Science today and for the future.

Our STEM curriculum incorporates key resources from the Royal Society and seeks to present role models who challenge perceptions of who can succeed in STEM careers. Our TEC girls project links with a charity to promote coding to girls and engage them as ambassadors for STEM.

We are passionate about extending Science out of the classroom too. We utilise our school allotment, pond and field areas often. In addition to this, our Science ambassadors regularly lead open-ended playground Science activities for pupils across all year groups and we have a weekly lunchtime Science club where children can achieve their CREST awards from the British Science Association.

Probus Primary School
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